Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Girl: Summer Baking

             My daughter ask me to play with her one Friday early evening;  when  I'm not in the mood to play but she won't budge  until I promise for a cooking lesson. She ask me when. I said ; " ugma ". My  oh my!!!! As soon as I woke up the following morning she was there demanding my promise. So I went to look for a cookie recipe  and she picked DROP BUTTER COOKIE. I gather all ingredients and let her follow the steps by herself. She did good considering this is the first time I let her use the oven while I was just sitting by the table playing the computer few steps away from the kitchen counter. Usually I set the oven and beside her baking something. This time I let her go to the next level. She's by herself.

          She did it!......she got A+.